the words died on her lips 意味
- 彼女は何か言いかけたが途中で止めた
- words words 口舌 くぜつ こうぜつ 語句 ごく 科白 台詞 かはく せりふ 申し様 もうしよう 台辞 だいじ
- died {動} : die の過去?過去分詞形
- her Her {略} : Hercules 《星座》ヘルクレス座
- lips lips 唇 くちびる 口唇 こうしん 口先 くちさき
- freeze the words on one's lips 声を飲む
- words that came to one's lips ~が言った言葉
- died {動} : die の過去?過去分詞形
- died of 死因は~である
- grief stricken guilt she has lived with every day since her two grandsons died
- grief-stricken guilt she has lived with every day since her two grandsons died 孫二人{まご ふたり}の死後{しご}、毎日{まいにち}のように思い出され悲嘆{ひたん}に暮れさせる罪
- her Her {略} : Hercules 《星座》ヘルクレス座
- lips lips 唇 くちびる 口唇 こうしん 口先 くちさき
- almost died 死に損なった
- as the cheering died 喝采{かっさい}がやむと
- the dog it was that died the dóg it was that díed 罠(わな)に落ちたのは仕掛けた本人.